Introduction To Job Pool
Job Pool is a list of all Jobs that are waiting for selection by a User so that work on the next Task in the process can commence. The status of a Job in the Job Pool will always be Idling.
The list displays Job Name, Launch Date, Function Group, Task, Job Type, Priority from 1 to 5 (1 is the lowest and 5 the highest) and % completion. This list can be exported in PDF or Excel format.
Choosing A Job From The Job Pool
- When you are ready to select a Job to work on, double click the Job in the Job Pool list.
- This will open the Job Pool blade which displays the details of the Job (which cannot be edited).
- The Flowchart tab indicates the current Task (indicated by a color fill of the task icon), as well as the entire Job.
- To select the Job to work on, click the Select Job icon
- The Job will then be allocated to the User and will become visible in their Jobs | My Jobs blade.
Introduction To Job Pool
Job Pool is a list of all Jobs that are waiting for selection by a User so that work on the next Task in the process can commence. The status of a Job in the Job Pool will always be Idling.
The list displays Job Name, Launch Date, Function Group, Task, Job Type, Priority from 1 to 5 (1 is the lowest and 5 the highest) and % completion. This list can be exported in PDF or Excel format.
Choosing A Job From The Job Pool
- When you are ready to select a Job to work on, double click the Job in the Job Pool list.
- This will open the Job Pool blade which displays the details of the Job (which cannot be edited).
- The Flowchart tab indicates the current Task (indicated by a color fill of the task icon), as well as the entire Job.
- To select the Job to work on, click the Select Job icon
- The Job will then be allocated to the User and will become visible in their Jobs | My Jobs blade.