Kradle Software
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Exploring your Data Model begins on the Data Model Blade. This guide introduces the three key areas for managing your data model.

The Tool Bar

  • The Tool Bar provides an array of tools used to manage your Data Model.

The Nodes/Links pane

  • The Nodes/Links pane displays Nodes (Groups and Types) as well as Links used to build and load a Data Model.

Model Space

  • The Model Space is a limitless working area where your data model is displayed.
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Exploring your Data Model begins on the Data Model Blade. This guide introduces the three key areas for managing your data model.

 The Tool Bar

The Tool Bar provides an array of tools used to manage your Data Model.

   The Nodes/Links pane

The Nodes/Links pane displays Nodes (Groups and Types) as well as Links used to build and load a Data Model.

 Model Space

The Model Space is a limitless working area where your data model is displayed.