This guide will assist you in adding Contacts to your Kradle account.
Contacts are persons who are not system users and have no access to the Kradle account.
Contacts are only stored within the account to be contacted via email or SMS messages.
Add A Single Contact
1. Select My Settings | Contact List from the menu.
2. Click the Add New User icon and enter the contact details on the General tab.
3. Click the Save icon .
Adding Multiple Contacts
- To add multiple Contacts, a spreadsheet must be prepared and saved in .XLS or .XLSX format. Contact details must be entered in the spreadsheet (beginning on the first row) in the following order:
- Column A – First Name
- Column B – Last Name
- Column C – Email Address
- Column D – Mobile/Cell Phone Number (+country code, area code, number)
A maximum of 100 Contacts can be imported at a time.
- Select My Settings | Contact List from the menu.
- Click the Import Contact icon
- Click the Open icon
and navigate to the location of the previously saved .XLSX/.XLS document.
- Select the document name and click Open. The contents of the document will be displayed in the table on the Contacts Import blade.
- Click the Import icon
- Contact details who have been successfully added will be displayed on the Private Contacts List blade.
- If necessary, correct errors or add missing content directly in the table and click the Import icon
- Alternatively, open the XLS/XLSX document and correct errors or add missing content then resave. Repeat the import process again from step #3.
This guide will assist you in adding Contacts to your Kradle account.
Contacts are persons who are not system users and have no access to the Kradle account.
Contacts are only stored within the account to be contacted via email or SMS messages.
Add A Single Contact
1. Select My Settings | Contact List from the menu.
2. Click the Add New User icon and enter the contact details on the General tab.
3. Click the Save icon .
Adding Multiple Contacts
- To add multiple Contacts, a spreadsheet must be prepared and saved in .XLS or .XLSX format. Contact details must be entered in the spreadsheet (beginning on the first row) in the following order:
- Column A – First Name
- Column B – Last Name
- Column C – Email Address
- Column D – Mobile/Cell Phone Number (+country code, area code, number)
A maximum of 100 Contacts can be imported at a time.
- Select My Settings | Contact List from the menu.
- Click the Import Contact icon
- Click the Open icon
and navigate to the location of the previously saved .XLSX/.XLS document.
- Select the document name and click Open. The contents of the document will be displayed in the table on the Contacts Import blade.
- Click the Import icon
- Contact details who have been successfully added will be displayed on the Private Contacts List blade.
- If necessary, correct errors or add missing content directly in the table and click the Import icon
- Alternatively, open the XLS/XLSX document and correct errors or add missing content then resave. Repeat the import process again from step #3.